Transforming Families: mind, body and spirit



St. Stephen's Way provides affordable housing along with supportive services to homeless families referred by the Brevard School System.

Ways To Donate

Who is your neighbor? You can help! The fact is that there are displaced families in every school from kindergarden through high school.

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Saint Stephen’s Way’s Holman Center does more than just provide stabile and dignified living conditions for our families.

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Saint Stephen’s Way seeks to rally the generosity of the whole community to help families of school-aged children regain their independence and dignity.

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Challenges Single Dads Face

Service Providers


St.Stephen's Way

2310 Lipscomb Street

Melbourne, Florida 32901

(321) 306-8873


Who We Are: Mission

St. Stephen's Way provides affordable housing along with supportive services to homeless families referred by the Brevard School System.